This part is a kind of semiconductor called VS838-14.
Function of this product has Infrared Receiver Module.
Manufacturers : LFN
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
VS838-14 1 Free Datasheet 型号:VS838-14 1.特性: ●小型设计; ●内置专用 IC; ●宽角度及长距离接收; ●抗干挠能力强; ●能抵挡环境干挠光线; ●低电压工作; 2.应用: ■视听器材(音箱,电视,录影机,碟机) ■家庭电器(冷气机,电风扇,电灯) ■其它红外线遥控产品; VS838-14 3.尺寸: 2 Free Datasheet 型号: VS838-14 4.应用电路图: 5.原理图: 3 Free Datasheet 6.光电参数(T=25℃ Vcc=5v f0=38KHZ): 参 数 符号 VCC Icc Ice L θ1/2 f0 fBW VOL VOH TPWL TPWH -3Db Bandwidth Vin=0V Vcc=5V Vcc=5V Vin=50mVp-p Vin=50mVp-p Vcc-0.3 500 540 无信号输入时 ※ 测试条件 Min 2.7 0.6 0.1 15 Type 0.8 18 +/-35 Ma [ ... ]