This part is a kind of semiconductor called P20NM60FP.
Function of this product has STP20NM60FP.
Manufacturers : ST Microelectronics
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
STP20NM60-STP20NM60FP-STW20NM60 STB20NM60 - STB20NM60-1 N-CHANNEL 600V - 0.25Ω - 20A TO-220/FP/D²/I²PAK/TO-247 MDmesh™ MOSFET Table 1: General Features TYPE STP20NM60 STP20NM60FP STB20NM60 STB20NM60-1 STW20NM60 s s s s Figure 1: Package RDS(on) < 0.29 Ω < 0.29 Ω < 0.29 Ω < 0.29 Ω < 0.29 Ω ID 20 A 20 A 20 A 20 A 20 A TO-220 TO-220FP VDSS 600 V 600 V 600 V 600 V 600 V 3 1 2 3 1 2 s TYPICAL RDS(on) = 0.25 Ω HIGH dv/dt AND AVALANCHE CAPABILITIES 100% AVALANCHE TESTED LOW INPUT CAPACITANCE AND GATE CHARGE LOW GATE INPUT RESISTANCE 3 2 1 3 1 TO-247 I²PAK 3 12 DESCRIPTION The MDmesh™ is a new revolutionary MOSFET technology that associates the Multiple Drain process with the Company’s PowerMESH™ horizontal layout. The resulting product has an outstanding low on [ ... ]