This part is a kind of semiconductor called C9015.
Function of this product has KTC9015.
Manufacturers : KEC
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SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA GENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATION. SWITCHING APPLICATION. FEATURES ᴌExcellent hFE Linearity : hFE(IC=-0.1mA)/hFE(IC=-2mA)=0.95(Typ.). ᴌLow Noise :NF=1dB(Typ.) at f=1kHz. ᴌComplementary to KTC9014. MAXIMUM RATING (Ta=25ᴱ) CHARACTERISTIC Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage Collector Current Emitter Current Collector Power Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range SYMBOL VCBO VCEO VEBO IC IE PC Tj Tstg RATING -50 -50 -5 -150 150 625 150 -55ᴕ150 UNIT V V V mA mA mW ᴱ ᴱ L M C KTC9015 EPITAXIAL PLANAR PNP TRANSISTOR BC JA K E G D H FF 1 23 N DIM MILLIMETERS A 4.70 MAX B 4.80 MAX C 3.70 MAX D 0.45 E 1.00 F 1.27 G 0.85 H 0.45 J 14.00 +_0.50 K 0.55 MAX L 2.30 M 0.45 MAX N 1.00 1. EMITTER 2. BASE 3. [ ... ]
C9015 PDF Datasheet Download