This part is a kind of semiconductor called MC4863.

Function of this product has Dual 2.2W Audio Amplifier Plus Stereo Headphone Function.

Manufacturers : MegaPower

Image and pinout :

MC4863 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

MC4863 Dual 2.2W Audio Amplifier Plus Stereo Headphone Function Gen er al D es c r i p t i o n The MC4863 is a dual bridge-connected audio power amplifier which, when connected to a 5V supply, will deliver 2.2W to a 4 Ω load(No t e 1) or 2.5W to a 3 Ω load(No t e 2) with less than 1.0% THD+N. In addition, the headphone input pin allows the amplifiers to operate in single-ended mode to drive stereo headphones. Boomer audio power amplifiers were designed specifically to provide high quality output power from a surface mount package while requiring few external components,to simplify audio system design, it combines dual bridge speaker amplifiers and stereo headphone amplifiers on one chip. The MC4863 features an externally controlled, low-power consumption shutdown mode, a stereo headphon [ ... ]

MC4863 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/04/22 09:26 2017/04/22 09:26