This part is a kind of semiconductor called W12NC60.

Function of this product has STW12NC60.

Manufacturers : STMicroelectronics

Image and pinout :

W12NC60 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

N-CHANNEL 600V - 0.48Ω - 12A TO-247 PowerMesh™ II MOSFET TYPE STW12NC60 s s s s s STW12NC60 VDSS 600V RDS(on) < 0.55Ω ID 12 A TYPICAL RDS(on) = 0.48Ω EXTREMELY HIGH dv/dt CAPABILITY 100% AVALANCHE TESTED NEW HIGH VOLTAGE BENCHMARK GATE CHARGE MINIMIZED 1 3 2 DESCRIPTION The PowerMESH™ II is the evolution of the first generation of MESH OVERLAY™ . The layout refinements introduced greatly improve the Ron*area figure of merit while keeping the device at the leading edge for what concerns swithing speed, gate charge and ruggedness. APPLICATIONS s SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLIES (SMPS) s HIGH CURRENT, HIGH SPEED SWITCHING s DC-AC CONVERTERS FOR WELDING EQUIPMENT AND UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLIES AND MOTOR DRIVE TO-247 INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol [ ... ]

W12NC60 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 11:12 2017/10/09 11:12