This part is a kind of semiconductor called 18T10AGH.

Function of this product has AP18T10AGH.

Manufacturers : Advanced Power Electronics

Image and pinout :

18T10AGH image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

AP18T10AGH-HF Halogen-Free Product Advanced Power Electronics Corp. ▼ Simple Drive Requirement ▼ Lower Gate Charge ▼ Fast Switching Characteristic ▼ Halogen Free & RoHS Compliant Product G N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE POWER MOSFET D BVDSS RDS(ON) ID 100V 160mΩ 9A S Description G Advanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide the designer with the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and costeffectiveness. The TO-252 package is widely preferred for commercial-industrial surface mount applications and suited for low voltage applications such as DC/DC converters. D S TO-252(H) Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VDS VGS ID@TC=25℃ ID@TC=100℃ IDM PD@TC=25℃ PD@TA=25℃ TSTG TJ Parameter Drain-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage Continuous D [ ... ]

18T10AGH PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 04:55 2017/10/09 04:55