This part is a kind of semiconductor called AR8327.
Function of this product has Seven-port Gigabit Ethernet Switch.
Manufacturers : Atheros
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
Data Sheet June 2011 Version 1.0 AR8327/AR8327N Seven-port Gigabit Ethernet Switch General Description The AR8327 is a highly integrated seven-port Gigabit Ethernet switch with non-blocking switch fabric, a high-performance lookup unit with 2048 MAC address, and a four-traffic class Quality of Service (QoS) engine. The AR8327 has the flexibility to support various networking applications. The AR8327 is designed for costsensitive switch applications in wireless AP routers, home gateways, and xDSL/cable modem platforms. The AR8327 integrates all the functions of a high-speed Switch system, including packet buffer, PHY transceivers, media access controllers, address management, and a nonblocking switch fabric into a single 0.11 um CMOS device. It complies with 10BASE-Te, 100BASE-Tx & 1000BAS [ ... ]